The Boer Goat Breeders’ Association of Australia Ltd
The BGBAA is the premier breeders Association in Australia. The associations aim is to oversee the development of the Boer goat in Australia and to promote the breed and its superior meat production characteristics in the domestic and international markets
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Why breed Boer Goats?
With Australia producing over 50% of world goat meat exports, the numbers of Boer goats in Australia continues to rise as farmers and graziers turn to goat meat production as a profitable alternative enterprise.
For the international and local producer, the Australian Boer goat offers:
A source of top quality genetics.
Animals that have been selected to thrive in a range of farming conditions.
Highly versatile breed that complements other livestock production.
A cost effective meat production resource.
The product of a clean pristine sea-locked continent which is free from many diseases.
Register to become a BGBAA member
Becoming a BGBAA member has the following benefits.
History of the Boer Goat
The Boer Goat originated in South Africa in the early 1900’s where it was developed and bred by selection and sound breeding practises from native African goats. The word Boer in Dutch means farm so the Boer Goat was originally known as the “farmers goat”
Boer Goat genetics were imported into Australia via New Zealand in the late 1980s and early 1990s from several South African Studs. The first Pedigreed Boer Goats were released for breeding programs in Australia in 1994, the same year that BGBAA was formed.
Recent News
Upcoming shows & events
A bit of a info about upcoming Boer goat shows and other events etc etc