Exporting from Australia?
The export process
How can these quality animals travel overseas?
Does Australia have an export agreement with your country?
Communicate with your Department of Agriculture
Within your Country
Find out what the requirements are to import livestock including:
Health requirements
Quality or genetic requirements
A Livestock Importer in your country is the best option to manage and consult for this process.
Contact Australian based breeders or Export company to manage the Australian side of export
This component incorporates
You providing required documents
Air Freight arrangements
Agreeing to animal specifications
Formalise costings and contract.
Time line for most efficient transport
Animals are sourced to your specifications and purchased
Administration and Documentation
Specialised skills are required to coordinate all documents required for the export process. All documents are completed and timelines determined to meet the needs of all parties.
Isolation facility - Quarantine
Animals in Australia go into an isolation facility to quarantine for the duration outlined by your countries import requirements.
During this stage animals are:
Carefully monitored
Veterinary testing
Health checks
Maintenance food rations
Transport to Airport
Animals are trucked to the airport and are allocated into freight pallets depending on the load specifications designed for the plane.
Options are usually a single level or double level.
Transportation by Air Freight
The Australian company will arrange for support workers to travel with the animals to their final destination.
They monitor the health of the animals and any documentation that accompanies them.
Destination care
The destination care is up to the importer. The animals will need to transition into:
An isolation facility for a determined length of time.
Acclimatize to not only the feed rations but climate
The role of the Australian based company is determined by your contract.
BGBAA DOES NOT own animals, coordinate or manage exports. Members do so on an individual basis or in consultation with Livestock Exporters.
The above mentioned process is general in nature that outlines the components of the export process. There maybe additional items necessary as each country unique and rules change all of the time between countries.
A small list of possible Exporters that you may contact include: