2019 BGBAA National and NSW State Show
Judge: Mr Josef Kleynhans
Venue: Borenore, NSW.
Date: Saturday 24th, 25th May 2019
Armadown (Cairns, Mr Robert)
Bengara Boer Goats (Stanford, Mr Benjamin)
Kaylen Boers (Taylor, Mr Brad and Vanessa)
Kazleesha (Carlon, Ms Alison)
Micathel (Barnes, MS Marie)
Mugambi (Ormsby, Paul and Janette)
Nicolstoke (Nicholas, Susan & Stephen)
Pacifica Boer Goat Stud (Wood, Tracey)
Strzboer Goat Stud (Smith, Dean and Fiona)
Willowstone Boer Goat Stud (Robson, TY & Kayla)
Yeramba Boer Goat Stud (Hyde, Joanne)