ParaBoss News - November 2020 - State Outlooks
Australia's resource for control of worms, flies and lice in sheep,
and worms in goats
Q1: Can you list three important principals to consider when choosing worm drenches?
Q2: When shearing, its easier to eradicate sheep lice on farms with one main shearing than it is on properties where mobs are shorn at different times (split shearings), why?
Q3: Can you name the two flystrike quick tools (online) that ParaBoss has available for your information and use?
Q4: Can you legally share a drum of drench with another goat farmer?
You should always use the most effective drench for your property
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Areas of the country that have seen good spring rainfall are doing well in terms of worms, but less so for flies. Frequent monitoring of both and conducting regular WormTests is important to stay on top of emerging problems. Barber’s pole worm is of special concern in these areas. Drenches are likely to be necessary through summer, especially for weaners.
New South Wales
WormTest results have shown a great deal of variety, even within the same region. Continue monitoring egg counts to determine the best strategy for drenching as summer begins. As predicted, barber’s pole worm has been a big problem — make sure to test and drench before you start to see impacts on-farm. Flies are also on the rise, so now is the time to review your flystrike management plan.
Much of the state has been dry throughout November, and with temperatures soaring worm survival on pasture will be down. What rain does fall will provide for some eggs to hatch, so watch closely following rain. Ongoing testing for worm burdens will tell you whether you need to drench, but how you select where the samples come from will impact the results – remember more samples will give you a clearer indication of the overall picture.
South Australia
Good rainfall has meant good pasture in South Australia, leading to excellent livestock condition and worm immunity. Significant variability in WormTest results indicates a need to watch and act on any growing worm issues — especially with the threat of barber’s pole worm. Lice and flies also thrive in the moist conditions, so follow up all significant rains with parasite testing, monitoring and treatments as needed.
Tasmania has begun to dry out, and worm numbers will drop in kind. Drenching in summer can limit contamination of pastures heading towards autumn. Weaners and ewes on permanent pastures will likely need to be drenched, possibly twice. Fluke may be an issue in areas where it is not usually found, though the issue may be solved if livestock can graze away from damp and swampy areas.
Good conditions have meant ewes and lambs have made it through with fewer effects from worms, but also mean paddocks may be more contaminated than usual. This can be a problem for weaners, so monitor WormTest results closely before choosing a plan of action, as timing will be critical. Be sure to quarantine drench new arrivals on the property to minimise worms being brought in from across the state.
Western Australia
Lambs and hoggets should be drenched to help them continue to grow without such a heavy worm burden, however older sheep will likely make it through summer without issue. Green pastures can pose a higher worm-risk, though moving sheep to graze crop stubbles can help break the worm life cycle. Barber’s pole worm and blowflies are both big threats in current conditions, so monitor and act accordingly.