MLA - LSD and FMD: more information
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A virtual tour of Australia’s biosecurity wall
From foot mats to biosecurity detector dogs, this short video takes a look at the latest measures in place at international arrivals to protect Australia from exotic animal disease.
Beefing up your farm biosecurity plan
Queensland producers Melinee and Rob Leather use biosecurity as a tool to protect their own business and meet market expectations. See their strategies for keeping their livestock safe here.
Latest industry update on FMD and LSD out now
Last week, another panel of industry experts weighed in on FMD and LSD, covering everything from feral animal control to border security. Click here to watch the full webinar.
Practical tools to protect your business
Now’s the time to be paying attention to farm biosecurity and livestock traceability. Here’s three practical ways to protect your livestock and business from current biosecurity threats.
MLA boosts biosecurity support for Indonesia
MLA will provide $1.3 million in funding to supply 600,000 foot-and-mouth disease vaccines to Indonesian feedlots as it boosts support for the nation’s biosecurity response.