Livestock Traceability at Agricultural Shows and Events August - 2022
Dear Agricultural Show and Event Committee Member,
Please see below link for an invite to a free webinar regarding the traceability requirements for Agricultural Shows and Events to be held on August 31st.
Attached also are documents that outline your responsibilities and how to complete a sheep, cattle or goat sighted function.
Some of the important things to remember in the lead up to Show Day are:
Your Property Identification Code must be up to date. With changes in office bearers an update may be needed. This can be completed online at if you know your PIC and the current email address on file.
You must be able to log into the NLIS database. I suggest checking this at least a fortnight before Show Day to allow time for problems to be fixed.
If you are expecting pigs on site, you must apply for a PigPass database account.
You will need a method to scan electronically tagged animals on Show Day, if you need to borrow a scanner, please let us know with at least one month’s notice.
You must give your exhibitors/competitors adequate notice of their requirements on Show Day, whether in regard to traceability or biosecurity.
If you have an animal nursery exhibit, the sheep, cattle, pigs, and goats in these exhibits are also required to be sighted on the database.
Included also is an Animal Health Australia Factsheet on livestock biosecurity at events.
If you would like any further information, please feel free to call or email.
Berwyn Squire
Goat Health Veterinary Officer | Biosecurity and Agriculture Services
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions