Integrity Insights: Have you done a PIC reconciliation lately?

Have you done a PIC reconciliation lately?

  • Is your National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) account up-to-date?

  • Does it accurately reflect the number of animals on your property?


If you’re not sure, then this webinar is for you – practical tips and hints on how to use the NLIS database, particularly for your property.


Date: Thursday 8 September 2022

Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm (AEST)


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A key way to make sure your NLIS account is up-to-date is to conduct a PIC reconciliation. This is a stocktake of all NLIS devices on a property. This process identifies discrepancies between the total number of electronic devices physically on a property and the number of electronic devices registered to that property (PIC) on the NLIS database.


Producers are encouraged to do a PIC reconciliation once a year to ensure lifetime traceability of livestock, which helps to keep Australia’s red meat integrity system strong.


Join this webinar to learn:

  • How the NLIS database works

  • Who’s responsible for doing transfers in the database

  • How to keep your account updated

  • How to do a PIC reconciliation for your property, ensuring the livestock on your property is reflected in the database.

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Integrity Systems Company


Integrity insights: Join our webinar: Biosecurity, traceability and the NLIS database for Victorian producers


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