Goat webinar - Are your goats fit to load?MLA Goat Roadshow Webinar

Goat webinar - Are your goats fit to load?

MLA Goat Roadshow Webinar

Dear Goat Industry Stakeholder,

I am pleased to advise you that the next webinar in the MLA Goat Industry Roadshow webinar series is now scheduled: Tuesday 19 March 2024, 7pm - 8:30pm AEDT.

Are you planning to sell goats soon? Make sure you understand your roles and responsibilities in ensuring animals are fit to travel before you start loading.

This FREE Meat & Livestock Australia Goat Roadshow Webinar is designed to provide useful and practical insights on how to ensure your goats are fit to load before transport.

Hear from NSW DPI’s Dr Petrea Wait, Agriculture Victoria’s Dr Berwyn Squire and Integrity Systems Company’s Elizabeth Bradley who will provide an overview of the Fit to Load legislation, plus on-farm advice for ensuring you meet animal welfare obligations, including the importance of checking animals prior to transport, your responsibilities and how to comply with NVD and NLIS requirements.

MLA invites goat producers to join to find out more on:
• Understanding when an animal is and isn’t fit to make a journey.
• Preparing animals for transport.
• Individual roles and responsibilities in ensuring animal welfare.
• Livestock traceability - understanding LPA requirements around animal welfare, completing NVDs and updating the NLIS database.
• Practical tips and resources available.

Make sure you understand your responsibilities in ensuring compliance with the Australian Animal Welfare Standards & Guidelines for the Land Transport of Livestock.

Registration is essential to access the Zoom link on 19 March. If you can't attend on the day, please make sure you still register. After the event, we will send a link to all registrants so you can access the recording online at a time that suits.

If your members or network may be interested in attending this webinar, we would welcome distribution of the below agenda in your e-newsletter. You are also welcome to register!


What time does this start in your state? 

- 7pm (AEDT)
Qld - 6pm (AEST)
SA - 6:30pm (ACDT)
NT - 5:30pm (ACST)
WA - 4pm (AWST)

In addition, the webinar can be shared from AgCommunicators’ social pages:

View on Facebook

View on Twitter

Register now

Click on the images below to view the agenda, or download the PDF here.


We look forward to seeing you on 19 March!

For more information contact:
Bridget Penna, AgCommunicators, 08 8332 3277


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