Goat webinar - A guide to on-farm biosecurity

MLA Goat Roadshow Webinar

Dear Goat Industry Stakeholder,

I am pleased to advise you that the next webinar in the MLA Goat Industry Roadshow webinar series is now scheduled: Tuesday 13 June 7pm - 8:30pm AEST.
Good on-farm biosecurity practices act as a management tool to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases or harmful pests. Having an effective on-farm biosecurity plan will provide immediate and ongoing returns including reducing your chances of introducing important economic diseases to your

Goat producers – join this FREE Meat & Livestock Australia webinar to hear more about how you can manage the risks to your property, with practical tips on improving your on-farm biosecurity.

This webinar will provide an overview of the benefits of biosecurity from the introduction of new stock through to producers visiting other farms.

Goat producers are invited to hear from MLA as well as:

  • Rob Barwell, Head of Biosecurity at Animal Health Australia, who will provide an overview of on-farm biosecurity as well as the newly updated GoatMAP (Market Assurance Program).

  • Bec Brayley, Goat Extension Officer, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Qld

  • Berwyn Squire, Goat Health Veterinary Officer, Biosecurity and Agriculture Services, Agriculture Victoria

  • Glenda Henry, Boer goat breeder, Bellarine Boer Goats, Emerald, Qld

If your members or network may be interested in attending this webinar, we would welcome distribution of the below agenda in your e-newsletter. You are also welcome to register!


What time does this start in your state? 

- 7pm (AEST)
SA/NT - 6:30pm (ACST)
WA - 5pm (AWST)

In addition, the webinar can be shared from AgCommunicators’ social pages:

View on Facebook

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Register now

Click on the images below to view the agenda, or download the PDF here.


We look forward to seeing you on 13 June!

For more information contact:
Bridget Penna, AgCommunicators, 08 8332 3277


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